Preparation is part of the journey when travelling. As part of that preparation it is often worthwhile to include first aid items in your luggage. Some travel related diseases and illnesses aren’t covered by vaccinations so preventative health products are very important to stay healthy. Travel Doctor-TMVC stocks a comprehensive range of high quality products that we trust to keep you safe and healthy on your travels.

We have solutions for:

  • Insect-Borne Diseases
  • Traveller’s Diarrhoea
  • Water-Borne Diseases
  • Coughs, Colds and Chest Infections
  • Bacterial Infection
  • Dehydration
  • Cuts and Sprains
  • Altitude Sickness
  • In-Flight Illness

We also sell a range of tailored medical kits based on your travel requirements. Our team of travel health professionals have selected an essential range of products that can keep you safe and well on your travels. Travel medical kits contain prescription medication so we can only sell them once you have had a consultation with one of our doctors. During that consultation, the doctor will discuss your travel plans and recommend the ideal kit for your trip. If you do not wish to purchase a kit at the time of your initial consultation, please contact the clinic and arrange a brief appointment with one of the clinic's nurses and they will be all too happy to discuss the kit with you at a later date.

You can purchase travel health products in any of our Travel Doctor-TMVC Clinics or online though our sister company Travelvax Australia. Simply click on the link below to view their store.